Top 8 Cool Hidden Instagram Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed!!!


Are you looking for some really cool hidden Instagram features? That makes you stand out from others on Instagram. Then you jump into the right article. So hello everyone how are you all hope you all are doing well in your lives.

So my name is Shahid and I have been a blogger for sense 4 years. Also, I’ve been an Android user for the past 10 years. So nowadays everyone uses Instagram and the majority of them only use the basic features of Instagram. Because they don’t know the multiple hidden features of Instagram.

That is why I am writing this article to tell you about the top 8 Cool hidden Instagram features you probably didn’t know existed. So without wasting any more time let’s into today’s article.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

Green screen stories are a lot of fun and it’s a new filter that Instagram introduced under the filter section. So right over the filters section is what the icon looks like and once you select it you’ll see this green screen appear behind you. But you can also add additional media from your gallery. So you just selected any media from your gallery.

And it simply selects your background and you can also pinch in and out to change the size of the media. So I just thought this was a really cool background filter for someone who is an Influencer on Instagram to use with this green screen filter to answer any questions or comments that you get but you can also use videos as your green screen background. So check out this green screen filter it will help you a lot to make your Instagram contact.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

Now you may have noticed while scrolling through Instagram stroys that some accounts have a very beautiful rainbow circle around their profile picture. And you may have also wondered how on earth they got that. Well, it’s actually an awesome thing that Instagram does all in celebration of pride. Basically what happens is when you head on over to the text section type in hashtag pride and then select it from the hashtag section.

As soon as you click the done button Instagram gives you a little notification that says to celebrate pride all stories using the pride hashtag or pride stickers will get a rainbow circle around their profile picture. And the minute you post that story watch as the ring around your profile changes to a very beautiful rainbow. I think this is such an amazing thing that Instagram has done and celebrates. So if you want to change your profile picture to a rainbow now you know how you also do this.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

The dual camera is another very cool hidden Instagram Feature that going to blow your mind and I cannot wait to use this more in my stories. So if you swipe along at the bottom until you get to the dual camera option. You’ll see that you can now film with the front camera and the selfie camera at the same time.

I am so excited about this and there are so many other things you can do like adding a little border to that selfie window. You also have a couple of shape options so whether you want it to be a square or a rectangle you decide. Then depending on what type of shot, you’re getting as well you can move the little window around to best suit your story if you want.

You can flip the camera too so that your selfie window is now much bigger and your front camera is in that little frame. finally, you can also scale things up if you want just by pinching out with your two fingers or pinching in. It is super duper simple, and as I mentioned I cannot wait to use this camera feature way more.

And also see what you guys do with it because this can be used in so many different scenarios like at a concert or if you’re showcasing some products. So if you have a personal profile then definitely check this one out for creators and business accounts I haven’t seen this one there just yet.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

Now you can pin your favorite comments to the top of the comment section. So if you head on over to any one of your posts right now check out the comments section. Go ahead and scroll through them until you find your favorite one. Then what you’re gonna do is slowly swipe to the left-hand side and behold there is a little pin icon if you tap on that. A little pop-up notification will appear saying that your comment has been pinned and now it is at the tip-top. So anytime someone comes across your profile and checks out your feed,

When they go through your pictures they’ll see all these amazing comments that have been pinned to the top. So just remember that anytime you comment on someone else’s picture and then also if you want to unpin the comments you simply swipe left again and tap on the pen icon and the comments will be unpinned. So go on your feed right now find a couple of your favorite comments and give them a pin.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

Next up we have a cool hidden Instagram feature called The Remove Followers feature. Instagram has introduced a way for you to soft block users from checking out your accounts if you want. So if you head over to your followers and think you maybe have some bots or any unwanted followers.

Then right next to their name, you will see a remove button if you click on that and then select remove. Instagram will automatically make their accounts unfollow yours. So now they won’t see any of your future Instagram posts or stories and the crazy part is they won’t even know what happened because Instagram doesn’t send them a notification.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

If you have multiple accounts then life just got so much easier for you. Because you can actually post to all of them at the same time when you upload a photo on your account Instagram shows an option. If you want to show this picture on multiple accounts and if you want to show it you can just simply click on that and your one picture will automatically upload to many different accounts.

As soon as you’re ready to click share it’ll post to all of them at the same time automatically. If you can’t see your other accounts there just head on over to settings and right at the bottom over there you’ll be able to add all your various different accounts just by logging in.


Cool Hidden Instagram Features

Okay guys check this out there is an awesome new support small businesses sticker in Instagram stories and what’s great about this sticker is once you’ve typed in the business’s handle. It showcases three of their pictures from their Instagram feed just like this what you can also do of course is actually, type in any handle. So whether it’s your favorite cat account, creator or even a restaurant just type in a handle and share it with the world.



Have you ever thought of responding to DMs using gifs I actually do it all the time and it’s such a fun way to respond to DMs. So if you click on that little icon right over there it opens up a whole selection of gift stickers that you can scroll down and check out or if you click on the bottom little GIF icon now you can check out all the video gifs and again scroll down through all of them check them out.

Ending note: So guys these are the top 8 hidden Instagram features you probably didn’t know existed. You can download all of the apps from the Google Play Store. If you are an Instagram user make sure to try this Instagram feature and give us your feedback in the comment section. So this is all for today’s article. if you like our article make sure to share it with your friends and family. And we will see you in our next article. Bye!

FAQ Section

Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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