Top 6 Must-Have iPad Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of | Best iPad Productivity Apps


Are you an Apple iPad user and looking for must-have iPad productivity apps to improve your productivity? Then this article is a hidden jam for every iPad user. In this article, we are going to talk about the Top 6 must-have iPad productivity apps. So make sure to read our full article. To find the must-have iPad protectivity apps for your iPad to improve your productivity levels at Max.

So guys my name is Shahid and I have been a blogger for sense 4 years. Also, I’ve been an Apple iOS user for the past 10 years, and in these 10 years, I tried so many different productivity apps to improve my productivity. And here are the Top 6 Must Have iPad Productivity Apps which I think in my opinion are the best for anyone who wants to improve their productivity as an iPad user.

Top 6 Must-Have iPad Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard Of

Tasks Todo Lists & Kanban app icon

let’s start our list with the Tasks app. The tasks app is obviously a task manager. The Task app’s signature feature is that you can control the various views of a project. So you can have a simple list where you dump a bunch of tasks into it or you can enable a view not just shows you the tasks that you need to do next but also all the tasks that are completed. But then you can take things a step further by editing the task status this allows you to build out multiple fields and create a Kanban system.

I love this it makes so much sense for projects with multiple steps, The Tasks are great at adapting to your project and not forcing a certain philosophy on you. The Tasks app also supports smart lists there are a ton of options for setting up filters when setting up smart lists it breaks up your tasks via the project the Tasks app also has support for collaboration with other users. The Tasks app is one of the most flexible task managers on the App Store. Their support for subtasks tags priorities filters within a project and more so make sure to try the Tasks app.

Focused Work - Pomodoro Timer app icon

Next up on our list is the Focused Work app. The Focused Work is a timer application for helping you focus on your work. There are a bunch of built-in timers including Pomodoro and two halves timers these are great for creating work Sprints and making sure you’re really focused and getting things done but also remind you to take quick breaks.

With the timer running you can trick your brain into racing the clock you can go into Focus sessions and pick from a ton of different timer options as well. Here you can also create custom timers that fit your workflow. The Focused Work app also has great shortcut support which means you can tie it into automation that is built into things like Focus modes or manually triggered timers when you want to start working. If you’re somebody who races the clock then the Focused Work app is for you.

Classifier Collection Tracker app icon

Coming up next we have the Classifier app. So the classifier app may not technically be a productivity app. But I know there’s a lot of people out there that build and work out of databases so I’m going to count it. The Classifier app is an app for collections I’ve recently started using this for my keyboard collection I’ve been taking pictures of all my keyboards.

And putting their names along with all the info about their switch, plates, keycaps, and whatever else went into that keyboard. The Classifier app does a great job at displaying that info and making it searchable I really like the Classifier app and out of all of the database applications that are out there it definitely has some of the nicest UI at displaying this information.

Everlog Journal

Everlog Journal app icon

So up in our list is the Everlog app. So Everlog is a journaling app and it is very flexible with Everlog you can create multiple journals and add photos weather and location information to them I find journaling to be a great way to start off my day it helps me like a kind of set a task list for all the things that I want to get done. But it also helps me you know establish priorities everything that I want to do in a given day sometimes can be a little much and I might not just be able to get to all of it.

So with journaling it helps me kind of figure out what to prioritize over other things. Most journaling apps on the iPad really want you to use the Apple pencil and hand write out notes. But there are people like me who just prefer to type things I mean I literally have a wall of keyboards and personally, I’m just faster at typing than.

I am at handwriting plus my handwriting looks like chicken scratch. This is really where the Everlog app comes in because it’s focused on typing and not handwriting. The thing that makes the Everlog app stick out to me though is the ability to create user customizable templates. Now there are a few templates built into the app but I created my own.

The Everlog app also has a built-in reminder system to nudge you to journal every single day this is really nice and one of the really nice benefits of having typed out a Journal as opposed to handwriting something, especially in like a notebook. Is that you can search so I can go back and like hey what was that day that I was working on this specific article and what was my thought process for getting that done and stuff like that, I can just go back and search for that. The Everlog app is a great place to start journaling if you’ve never tried it.

Calendar 366: Events & Tasks

Calendar 366 Events & Tasks app icon

Next up we have the Calendar 366 app. So the Calendar 366 is a more robust option than the built-in calendar app while not quite at the level of Fantastical. The main difference is this is a paid upfront app so there’s no subscription I’ve heard from a lot of you who like Fantastical. But the recent price increase is just a bit too much. But the Calendar 366 app does to set itself apart from the built-in calendar app is it has natural language input like Fantastical.

Which is something I’m still surprised the built-in calendar app doesn’t have. But with the Calendar 366 app, you can go into the settings and enable Focus on natural language input first setting and this will jump right to the natural language bar when you start inputting a calendar event having support for natural language input really speeds up adding new events. So if you’re somebody who lives out of a Calendar this is a must-have.

The Calendar 366 app also has support for calendar sets which allows you to display just your work calendars when you’re working or your personal calendars when you’re on your time and you can shut off the work stuff.

I love this feature in calendar apps the Calendar 366 app also hooks into Focus mode so you can set up a default calendar set in a given Focus mode so again you can enable work calendars when you’re in your work focus and personal calendars when you’re in your personal Focus. The Calendar 366 app also has 8 tons of customization options for those who wish to make it their own. This is a great middle ground if you need something that’s a bit more than the default calendar app but you don’t need to go as heavy-handed as something like Fantastical.

Sticky Widget app icon

Finally at last on our list is an app called the Sticky Widget app. Sticky Widget is an app that adds post-it-like widgets to your home screen we’ve all worked with those people who have like a desk just covered in Post-it notes this takes those and makes a digital version out of them with the Sticky Widget app you can add a bunch of notes to your home screen in various widget sizes when you tap on them you can write your note and it will show the note right on the home screen when you’re done.

This is a great way to write a quick reminder jot down a phone number or address or just take down a simple note. The Sticky Widget app can be customized by color or font you can also go into the widget setting and change which widget it is this way you can sync those given stickies across multiple devices. But also has multiple different widgets with corresponding notes and things like that. So if you want to avoid your desk with a bunch of paper sticky notes then make sure to try the Sticky Widget app.

Ending Note: These are the list of the Top 6 Must Have iPad Productivity Apps You Haven’t Heard of. You can download all of the apps from the Google Play Store. So this is all for today’s article. We hope you will like our article. If you like it leave a comment and don’t forget to share it with your fellow iPad users. And we will see you in our next article. Bye!

FAQ Section

Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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