5 Top OPEN-SOURCE Note-Taking Apps in 2024 | Best Note-Taking App For You?


Today, we’re diving into the best OPEN-SOURCE Note-Taking Apps in the productivity market. We’re going to be sharing some that are notably open source and ones that a lot of people are using because they believe in these values. Now, welcome, my name is Shahid. I have been a web developer and blogger for the past 10 years.

Today, we’re diving into open source, and very simply, open source is a way that developers can build an application and share the code behind it, allowing others to tweak it and refine it and share that code in the community, sort of like a very open source way of sharing the build behind each of the applications as a way to help improve the foundations that the community is built on. So, as you can imagine, not all note-taking apps are open source, so obviously, we’re going to tune into some of the best ones.

Best OPEN-SOURCE Note-Taking Apps For You


Best OPEN-SOURCE Note-Taking Apps

The first one on our list is one called Joplin. Now, this one’s been around for plenty of years and it’s very popular with developers. It’s a very simple application at heart, and what it allows you to do is basically take notes in a very simple fashion. You can also add tasks as well into the system. You can create multimedia notes, allowing you to add images, tables, and much more. You can also use Joplin Cloud to be able to share it with other people, and it’s available on a wide range of devices too. This is probably one really popular with developers and is probably the most well-known in the open-source space.


Next up is a relatively new one, it’s called Anytype, and a lot of people call this the open-source alternative to the Notion. It’s local-first, on-device, it’s secure, and it is also growing in popularity because it takes what the Notion is really good at with managing different spaces like knowledge bases, journals, whatever you want to build, and then it brings that open-source nature to this.

So, this is great for loading times because it’s local-first, which means it’s really speedy and on your device, and it also has that security nature behind it as well so that you’re more protected on your device. As you can imagine, it’s also peer-to-peer, which allows you to be a little bit more secure in terms of sharing data between staff.


Number three is one that was developed by Automattic, the creator of WordPress, called Simplenote. Simplenote is very much what it says on the tin: it allows you to create notes and collaborate with other people, but it is also open-sourced, and a lot of people like this because it’s free and widely available. I believe there are some paid plans, but I think it’s for much more advanced abilities. As you can imagine, it is very much one that is popular with markdown support as well for being able to take light notes and convert them into markdown in whatever fashion you want.

Standard Notes

Next up is Standard Notes. Now, this one is a very secure one, has end-to-end encryption and a bunch of other themes that a lot of people like in the premium account. Standard Notes does have a Markdown nature, and there are some great ways to advance it even further, but largely the system is public open-source code, allowing people to collaborate, and it comes on a wide range of devices. Also, it’s a little bit pricey when you look at the premium, but it also has a 5-year plan that wants to try and look into the future and change the way that we’re taking notes and how they’re encrypted as well.


Number five is Notebook, and again, this one is super secure and very much like Standard Notes, provides an end-to-end encrypted note-taking application. But a lot of people like this because it’s got a range of different encryptions that you can change and set up the settings on the pro version, which is reasonably priced, much about half of the Standard Notes pricing.

It does have some more advanced security settings, which allow you to lock down areas and notes that you have inside of your account. So, a lot of you look at Notes Nook, and I would say both of these applications aren’t the best to look at, but then at the same time, they are very secure and ones that want to be able to protect your information on that framework of Open Source.


And finally, a newer one in the space is called AFFiNE PRO. This one is very popular more recently because what it does is it takes whiteboards and documents and combines them together. It’s again local-first, available on desktop at the moment, but comes with some really nice abilities with collaboration and also allows in real-time communication with you being able to see each other’s cursors if you’re using it as a team.

Now, this is $77.99, but there is a generous free plan to get you started, and they want to continue to advance this. I believe a lot of people are looking at this as the open-source alternative to apps like Craft, allowing you to do such functions, not yet whiteboards, but I’m sure that’s on their roadmap.

Ending Note: So these are the 5 Top OPEN-SOURCE Note-Taking Apps in 2024. So guys, hopefully, this article helped you find the best open-source note-taking app. Thank you very much for reading our article. And, if you’re in the Hunt for the best note-taking apps, We have also reviewed them as well for you. So this is all for today’s review and we will see you in our next article. Bye!

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