Why Tick Tick is Better Than Apple Reminders (let’s find out)


So you’ve been thinking about switching to using Tick Tick, but you’re not sure whether or not it’s going to be worth all the effort. Well, I’m here to tell you that it is definitely worth using if you’re a certain type of user. A little hint—it has to do with time block planning. So guys in case you’re new over here, my name is Shahid and I have been a blogger for sense 4 years.

Also, I’ve been an Apple iOS and Android user for the past 10 years. Also, I love to write blogs to share my knowledge in the form of blogs with more and more people. So on that note without wasting any more time let’s start today’s article.

Tick Tick Best alternative to Apple reminders

Introdution Of Tick Tick

Tick Tick Best alternative to Apple reminders

If you’re the type of person who’s been looking for the best way to digitally implement a version of GTD or time block planning, or like me, a hybrid of both, then TickTick really is a good tool that you need to see more about.

TickTick genuinely is the best to-do app I’ve found, and I’ve tried them all—Todoist, many years of using Todo, since back in 2012, Things 3 (used for about a year), at one point I used Apple Reminders for some things, tried OmniFocus, it didn’t really stick for me, and I’ve tried some of those minimalist ones, but the big ones that people use quite a lot, I have used them, and TickTick is better, at least for me.

And again, if you’re like me, maybe it’ll be better for you too. In this article, I’m going to put TickTick up against Apple Reminders just because it’s kind of the most basic version possible of a to-do app. I’m not going to do a direct comparison between Todoist and Things in this article, but the key feature that I’m going to emphasize in Tick is unique to TickTick or at least much better implemented in TickTick, and that’s its ability to facilitate time block planning.

Digital Timeblock Planning

Tick Tick Best alternative to Apple reminders

So the first reason, like I was alluding to, is that TickTick is much better for time block planning. If you’re not familiar with time block planning, it’s a system put forward by Cal Newport. Again, it’s not entirely novel; things like this have existed for a while before. It’s like keeping a diary and planning it out; it has some overlap with bullet journaling, but he explains it really well.

But I am a digital boy; I like being able to have my thing synced across devices in case I don’t take that notebook. I like the notebook too, but I ended up coming back to the digital, so I needed to find a way to do that. I’ve tried ways of doing it by just using the calendar app; I’ve tried ways of doing it the physical way that he does it, and then I tried to force Todoist to do it by kind of like plotting out times and syncing it with a calendar.

Didn’t work well because you couldn’t set a discrete start and end date for a task; you could only set a length of time for a task, and that wasn’t enough to do this kind of fluid, flexible time block planning like Cal does on a physical notebook. TickTick lets you do that. You can take a task, plot it out in a calendar view over time, and then flip back to the task view and see it again like that.

Another neat thing about TickTick is you can integrate your calendars in with it so you can see here; this is a shift I have that’s synced in from a Google calendar; you can use an Apple calendar too, you could sync in multiple calendars I happen to keep all of my synchronous events in one calendar, and so I sync those in, and so when I start a new week, those spots are already filled out so I’m not going to book tasks in during that time; you definitely can’t do that in Apple reminders.

Better Quick Capture

Tick Tick Best alternative to Apple reminders

TickTick also has much better quick capture than Apple Reminders. Apple Reminders has the advantage if you can do voice capture through Siri, although you can now also do that into your TickTick. But TickTick has much better text capture. Todoist and Things 3 also have a similar capture, so I would call it a match between the three there.

It has a bit of this type of natural language processing if you just start typing in a task where it can recognize dates to some extent and maybe some project kind of stuff, but in my experience, it’s been a little bit inconsistent compared to these other apps.

Better Smart Recognition

Tick Tick Best alternative to Apple reminders

The third thing is that smart recognition is better in TickTick compared to Apple Reminders. It’s about on par again with Things 3 and Todoist but certainly better than Apple Reminders. Apple Reminders has just been quite inconsistent for me with the natural language processing, but it’s pretty consistent in TickTick.

You just gotta figure out the shortcuts that help you tag the projects, dates, and hashtags. All that said, voice capture into Apple Reminders works really well. Again, we can sort of take advantage of that for TickTick as well using the workaround.

But it’s really nice to just get stuff right into Reminders itself too. So what I’ve ended up doing is I just keep some lists in Reminders—really basic stuff that isn’t going to need a lot of detail. The main one I use in Apple Reminders is to keep my grocery list there.

So when I want to add to that instead of saying, “Hey Siri, remind me to X,” I say, “Hey Siri, add bananas to the grocery list.” And then it does that, and I have a list in my Reminders called grocery That’s it. This is a quick article to give you a brief overview of why I think it’s worth paying more attention to TickTick and checking it out.

Ending Note: So guys that is it about Tick Tick App. So this is all for today’s article. You can download all of the apps from the Google Play Store. We hope you will like our article. If you like it leave a comment and don’t forget to share it with your fellow Android users. And we will see you in our next article. Bye!

FAQ Section

Yes, all of these apps are available on the Google Play store and the link we put on the bottom is the official link of the Google Play store. You can easily download any app through the link. The Link redirects you to the Google Play store.
Yes, every app that we give you the review in our article is free. And also these apps have a premium version. If you want to unlock the premium features of this app. Then you buy the premium version you can buy it.
Yes, every app is updated by developers frequently with new features and updates.
Yes, every app is working on its latest version and their developers update them from time to time.
Yes, all the apps support every Android device. It doesn't matter whether you have a low-end to high-end device. All of these apps work on every device completely fine.
No, all of these apps have very little storage and RAM. You shouldn't worry if you have a low-end device every app works on your device completely fine and doesn't take too much storage and RAM.

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